Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rielle Hunter Talks John Edwards on “Good Morning America” » Gossip

Rielle Hunter Talks John Edwards on 'Good Morning America' » Gossip
 Rielle Hunter

Rielle Hunter Talks John Edwards on “Good Morning America” » Gossip - She’s known by some as a homewrecker for her affair with ex-Presidential Candidate John Edwards, and Rielle Hunter stopped by “Good Morning America” today (June 26) in hopes of clearing some things up.

Ms. Hunter looked lovely in a pink top and black trousers as she prepared to promote her new tell-all memoir “What Really Happened: John Edwards, Our Daughter and Me.”

During her interview, Rielle talked about the current state of her relationship with Edwards, with whom she has a four-year-old daughter named Frances Quinn.

"We are a family, but as of the end of last week John Edwards and I are no longer a couple. Not at all," she declared.

Rielle continued, "For me, for my part in it, it's because I'm no longer interested in hiding, hiding our relationship, not living out. I don't know if you've noticed, but we've had a lot of media scrutiny. It's complicated and it's hard. It wears you down after a while."

As for the future, she shared, "I really have no idea what will happen with us. The jury is still out. But I can honestly say that the ending is of no concern to me anymore. The love is here. And as sappy as it may sound, I love living in love."

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