Friday, June 29, 2012

Johnny Depp Probably Caused Amber Heard’s Split from Her Girlfriend » Gossip

Johnny Depp Probably Caused Amber Heard’s Split from Her Girlfriend » Gossip
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

Johnny Depp Probably Caused Amber Heard’s Split from Her Girlfriend » Gossip - Oh, Amber, this is a downgrade.

Johnny Depp put the “Homewrecking Whore” in “Horse” last week when it came to light that after his split with Vanessa Paradis, he’d purchased a horse for 26-year-old Rum Diaries co-star Amber Heard. However, people initially pooh-poohed (tee hee) that story, claiming Amber and Johnny could not be dating because she preferred poon over peen. They then pointed to Exhibit A: Amber was getting her scissor on daily with longtime girlfriend, Tasya Van Ree.

Oh, but it seems indeed, Amber and Johnny are happening. According to InTouch Magazine, Amber has dumped Van Rae and is about the deep Depp-Dickin’ now:
A source tells In Touch magazine, “They are no longer in a relationship.”
The split fuels rumors linking Heard to her The Rum Diary co-star Johnny Depp, who confirmed earlier this month that he and longtime partner Vanessa Paradis had broken up after 14 years.
My mama used to tell me that me that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, they’re probably fucking (or something like that.) So yeah, they’re totally doing it. And Amber, girl, I am disappointed.