Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jon Hamm Talks Kids, Divorce & Don Draper » Celebrity Gossip

Jon Hamm Talks Kids, Divorce & Don Draper » Celebrity Gossip
Jon Hamm Talks Kids, Divorce & Don Draper

With his fourth season of his hit AMC drama well underway, "Mad Men" star Jon Hamm was selected for feature treatment in the July 2012 issue of Total Film magazine.

The 41-year-old actor looked suave in a sleek grey suit for the Scott Council shot pic accompanying the article in which Jon talks about topics including

Highlights from Mr Hamm's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to pay a visit to Total Film!

On he and wife Jennifer Westfeldt's recently released movie 'Friends with Kids':
"What we tried to do was basically make the case that if there are cracks in the relationship, [the] introduction of kids and the stress that brings is going to make those cracks larger."

On children:
"I love kids. I love other people's kids because I like being able to give them back at the end of the night."

On receiving outside support during his parents' divorce:
"I had very good friends whose parents rallied around. My best friend's parents sort of became my de facto parents over the years and I still consider them that way."

On his life advice:
"Just because you stumble doesn't mean the race is over. Get back up, brush yourself off, keep moving forward. That's the one thing I tell kids coming out here, kids that are pursuing acting. You're going to hear 'no' a lot so get used to it. If I'm proof of anything, it's that it just takes one 'yes'.""

On his beloved 'Mad Men' role of Don Draper:
"It is a dream job - that is the only way I can really describe it. As an actor, you so rarely get to do something that you like but is also a tremendous boon to your career."