Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dominic Monaghan Accuses Matthew Fox of "Often" Beating Women » Celebrity Gossip

This might make all future reunions of Lost cast members a bit awkward...

In response to a follower yesterday asking Dominic Monaghan to encourage former co-star Matthew Fox to join Twitter, the man behind Charlie Pace replied: "he beats women. No thanks."

Dominic Monaghan Accuses Matthew Fox of Dominic Monaghan Accuses Matthew Fox of
Dominic Monaghan and Matthew Fox

Was this simply a reference to the drunken incident from August 2011 when Fox was accused of punching a female bus driver? Nope. Elaborated Monaghan to another Twitter fan:

"you don't know either of us. he beats women. not isolated incidents. often. not interested."

Moreover, the actor isn't afraid of any kind of legal retaliation by Fox because "an accusation is when you 'claim' someone did something wrong. i know," Monaghan wrote. "And it's very difficult to sue someone for speaking the truth."

Wow. Somewhere, Fox must be seething. And Team Breezy members must be lining up to defend him.
