Sunday, July 1, 2012

Is Scientology Having Katie Holmes Followed? » Gossip

Is Scientology Having Katie Holmes Followed? » Gossip
Katie Holmes and Suri

Is Scientology Having Katie Holmes Followed? » Gossip - A couple of hours ago I showed you pictures of private investigators, allegedly hired by Tom Cruise, to keep Katie Holmes under surveillance in her new apartment. TMZ reports that Katie thinks the private investigators are working for Scientology, the controversial church Tom is very involved in. I’m not sure if there’s much of a difference if these people work for Tom or Scientology: it’s creepy nonetheless! It would help explain why Katie rented her own place.
We’re told Katie believes in recent weeks — as the discord between her and Tom Cruise grew — Scientology has been following her moves, especially in New York City… People who have photographed Katie multiple times tell TMZ there have been several “mysterious” men and vehicles around Katie’s apartment and following her when she’s out.
TMZ also cites the Mercedes and Escalade SUVs that were in the paparazzi pictures earlier. However, a publication is also said to have Katie under surveillance, so it’s unclear if these people work for the publication or Scientology. TMZ said that if the divorce does stay in New York, where custody is more likely to be awarded to one parent or the other if they’re in conflict, then evidence Katie was put under surveillance will help her case. This seems like a matter ANY court should take under consideration: this is crazy!